managing employee exits

How to Manage Employee Exits for Mutual Benefit

Posted June 13, 2024

While departures are an inevitable part of the employee journey, the way they are handled by management and the company overall can have a significant impact on the employer’s brand and future success. A well-managed and established exit process, especially when combined with outplacement support, can turn these times of transition into new opportunities for both the employee and the employer. 

The Exit Process Matters

When a valued employee is asked to move on, many companies simply have them box up their belongings and wave them off the property. Occasionally there may be an exit interview. However, this abrupt approach often leaves employees feeling disrespected, especially if they were unable to leave on initially positive terms. A negative exit experience can damage the employer’s reputation and make it harder to attract top talent in the future.

On the flip side, organizations that have taken the time to set up an employee exit process use this as a final opportunity to show that they truly value their people, even after they’ve decided to leave. It shows that they value their staff as humans, not just for the work they do. This positive final impression reinforces the employer brand and increases the likelihood that departing employees will remain brand ambassadors for the company moving forward.

Communication is Key

Open, transparent communication should be the top priority throughout the exit process. When an employee decides to leave, sit down with them and have a candid conversation about their reasons for leaving and their future plans. If the individual is leaving due to work issues, this is an opportunity to address them. If they are leaving for personal reasons or to move into a new stage of their life, this may be an opportunity for congratulations or condolences. 

Effective Exit Interviews

When done properly, exit interviews are a goldmine of information. However, they require an established relationship and trust, which can be helped along with effective outplacement support. This relationship offers a chance to gather honest feedback about the workplace environment, management practices, and overall employee satisfaction. To make the most of these interviews, approach them as a two-way conversation rather than just a formality. Encourage the employee to share their experiences openly and assure them that their feedback will be used constructively.

Make the Most of Outplacement 

Outplacement services are yet another way to show departing employees that you value them as people, not just employees and that the organization as a whole cares about their future. These services can include career counseling, resume writing assistance, and job search support, which makes the transition smoother for employees. They may also include options such as retirement evaluations and planning, so whatever path the employee is choosing, they can walk into it feeling reassured by the company. 

Turning Transitions into Triumphs

An effective employee exit process, including outplacement services, can make a big difference in your brand’s reputation. Here’s how you can turn times of transition into triumphs:

  • Reliable Reputation 

When employees leave on good terms, they are much more likely to speak well of their experiences and the company, even after moving on. Happy former staffers can become brand ambassadors, recommending your company to potential new hires and even bringing in new clients.

  • Maintain Morale

A well-managed exit process can also help boost the morale of the remaining employees. When they see that their departing colleagues are treated with respect and support, it reinforces the idea that the company cares about its people, and won’t leave them high and dry if they choose to leave one day. 

  • Providing Resources 

Resources for departing employees are not just about helping them find a new job. They’re about making them feel valued by the organization even as they leave. Here are some resources that can make a significant difference:

  • Career Counseling

Professional, one-on-one career counseling can help participants identify their strengths and explore new career opportunities. Personalized support can be incredibly beneficial in helping them transition smoothly.

  • Resume and Job Search Assistance

Helping these individuals with resume writing and job search strategies can lead to them finding new positions quickly. Workshops, one-on-one coaching, and online resources can all be part of this support.

  • Networking Opportunities

Encourage these employees to stay connected through alumni networks or industry associations. These networks can provide ongoing support and open doors to new opportunities.

Leave a Lasting Impression

Outplacement services give employers a systematic way to manage employee exits with professionalism and empathy. By incorporating outplacement services and support into your employee exit process, you can equip transitioning employees with the tools and coaching they need to move confidently into their next role. It also helps reinforce the company’s commitment to its people, even when they move on. The result is that your staff continues to feel respected and that they had an impact within the organization – even while moving on to different opportunities. 

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